Serracarbassa property is located in Sant Quirze Safaja, in the Moianés región, at 45 minutes from Barcelona. It has an extension of 120 ha, with natural pastures and forests of holm oaks, oaks and pine trees. It is a natural habitat for wild pigs and roe deer in the mountain range of Barnils, within a privileged environment. At an altitude of 775 metres, we limit on the Southeast side with Cingles del Bertí ( PEIN area, Environment Plan of Natural Interest).
Our geographic coordinates are:

Masia Serracarbassa (XIII century)
Camí de Barnils, km. 3,1
08189 – Sant Quirze Safaja.
Camí de Barnils, km. 3,1
08189 – Sant Quirze Safaja.
41° 44’ 43.05”N
Altitude 775m